Last Saturday I bought a bike from Craigslist. Because it’s almost winter, so that makes total sense. Today was the first time I got to ride it, and while I peddled, I Haikued.
You’re welcome.
I wrote 4 Haikus
Because I was in the mood
The count is now 5
Haikus. ‘Cause, why not?
Nothing better to do but
Ride bike and Haiku
I don’t remember
Thighs burning at 10 years old
Um, WTF, bike?
Yes, that really is
Pepperspray in cupholder
Do not mess with me
My work here is done.
‘Cause this counts as a blog post.
Shut up, it does so.
Read my family blog where I pretend to be a good mom.
The noble haiku
Renders your writing a post
And mine, a comment.
Sarah Day recently posted…Wolverine lasagna dinner
I so dearly love
That you respond in haiku
You are my favorite
Jenn Rian recently posted…Things that look like my post-baby boobs
I love the Haikus and the photo! Welcome back to the blogosphere haven’t seen you in a while. I like the new and improved site!
Happysuz recently posted…Doll Jeans Giveaway Winner!
I kinda disappeared for awhile, huh? I’m still slacking, but I’m “back” (sorta). I keep a strong presence on social media even when I’m not blogging. So good to hear from you again 🙂
Jenn Rian recently posted…Things that look like my post-baby boobs
If only writing
haikus burnt calories, we’d
all be much thinner!
Liz recently posted…Zoe vs. the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
That’s so very true
So sad it is not the case
How I wish it were
Jenn Rian recently posted…Things that look like my post-baby boobs